Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Putting Your Passsion Into Print

If you peruse the Internet, you will notice a multitude of blogs about sports and fitness. While some of them are written for educational purposes, others are simply the musings of people who have experienced significant personal growth by participating in a sport or a new fitness routine. The blogs at Dreamtime Publishing are an excellent example. Take a look:

In a sense, a blog is a journal, albeit a journal that can be shared with the world. How cool is that? Whether you decide to write a blog, or merely keep a journal, there is something deeply satisfying about writing about your escapades in fitness or in sport. Why? If you look back at your writings, you might notice a correlation between what you were learning in your sport or fitness routine, and what is going on in your life. Sometimes, you will have an almost uncanny observation: As your skill in your chosen activity has progressed, so has your personal growth. Writing about fitness and sport is also an excellent way to track changes in your health, or your tendency towards injury. What type of activities were you doing before you tore your ACL? What was lacking in you fitness routine? What was receiving too much attention? Were you stretching or weight training too much without putting enough emphasis on balance? Were you skiing or riding on trails that were beyond you ability? The proof is in the printing.

Fitness or sport can be a catalyst for change. Look at me. I was once the quintessential New York City girl. Then I learned to ski. Now I live here, and I rarely visit big noisy cities. After learning to ski, I also became a writer, and even acted in a few shows. However, before I learned to ski, I had adjusted my workout routine to focus less on strength and more on balance exercise. In every sense of the word, I became a more balanced person. Looking book on my writing about skiing and fitness, I notice that I was periodically reinventing myself. My writing has been my Rosetta Stone of my personal evolution.

Sometimes, a writing hobby eventually evolves into a profitable side profession.

On May 1st from 6:00-8:00 PM, Mountain Sport Fitness will conduct a workshop on writing about fitness and sport. For details, call 970-668-1595

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