Friday, January 11, 2008

A Breckenridge Mystery

As some of you might know, I am working on a project that would benefit both the Backstage Theatre and the Breckenridge Heritage Alliance. The concept involves a dramatic script that would be performed progressively as vistors visit each of the Breckenridge Historic sites.

Once I came up with the project idea, I had a major mental block about what to put in the script. Then, I came across a writing contest that asked for a 1500 word mystery story that would be written on a 6th grade reading level. The suspects needed to be listed at the start of the story, and I only had a very short time to complete it.

In a workshop at the Backstage Theatre, Murphy Funkhouser once said that you can come up with your best work under pressure. While I would not exactly call this my best work, it did get me off my butt to get the basic story. Due to word count restrictions, I was not able to do the characterizations much justice. However, it's a start. Needless to say, when it becomes a script, there will be some obvious changes, but for now, take a look:

Breckenridge Back in Time

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